Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Blackjack Exercise

Greetings happy people,

I would like for all of you to do a simple exercise with me. This will not take a lot of time and once you finish, you will probably see where I will go with the message.

I would like for you to write down 21 positive things that have happened to you in the last year. This is what I like to call "The Blackjack Exercise!!" When you are done writing down these 21 positive things, read them.

For example, here are the 21 positive things I wrote this morning:

1. Having a great relationship with a dynamite lady!!

2. Created a Toastmasters club for my workplace - The Silver State Toastmasters

3. Having 400+ friends on Facebook - with more to come!!

4. Having a successful year as a Division Governor - President’s Distinguished Division, plus 4 President’s Distinguished Area, and one Select Distinguished Area

5. New management at my workplace - in Las Vegas AND Carson City

6. After a 7 month disappearance, my 21 year old - little sister returned. See Miracle in a Month!!

7. Had an opportunity for a promotion at work.

8. Took notes for a seminar and establishing connections with DOT agencies from 9 different states

9. Took a picture that made it to the Toastmasters International website.

10. Created my own business cards for work

11. Attending more social events, parties, and concerts

12. Meeting high school classmates - some I have not seen in 5, 10, 15, 16, or 20 years!!

13. Created my own blog site. Yes, the same one you are looking at - HEE HEE!!

14. Attended life changing seminars

15. Focusing and benefitting from more positive thinking

16. Taking a big step to become a professional speaker

17. Started meditation exercises – see Living in the now!!

18. Learning how to swim - see Courage in Water!!

19. Watching, listening, and experiencing more positive things – music, people, travelling

20. Creating a dream board

21. Meeting new people that are pretty cool!!

Are you done writing the 21 positive things that happened to you? If you have more than 21, go ahead and write them down!! If you have less than 21, create more positive things that will get you there!! Go ahead, I can wait!!

Now that you are finished, go ahead and read each of the positive things that happened to you within the last year. Did you notice anything interesting or mindblowing? Well, I notice the following things in what I wrote:

1. I have the power to create, attract, and do these positive things in my life.

2. I have grown from these experiences

3. I feel more awesome now than I did a year ago.

4. I realize that there are more positive things that I can experience in my life.

Face it!! If all this can happen in one year, just imagine what else can happen in the next few years. Oh the possibilities!! Do you have these similar “A-HA” moments? Well, if you do that’s great!! Keep on living them!! YOU have that right to live the way you want to live. No person can tell you otherwise. As long as you can realize this, you will draw more into your life that is positive. Trust me, there are no limits!! Once you hit this type of Blackjack - YOU WIN!!

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.


Jesse I-I-I

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