Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Five H's

Greetings Happy People,

To be the best at what you do, you got to have these things that I am going to mention.

To me, these things came from the idea of a World Champion of Public Speaking.

Somehow, I find them to transcend beyond the realm of public speaking. Mastering these things can also make you a success at your job, your hobbies, or anything else you do.

What are "these things?"

They are The Five H's - Head, Heart, Humor, Heavy-Hitting, and Hero

Believe it or not, these five h's are key in whatever you want to do. While one of these components is great, having all five of them can make one unstoppable!!

To understand what I am talking about, I will break down these individual H's into it's brief explanations:


The first H, has to do with the head. The head is responsible for thinking. Many great things are created through one's mind. If you were to look around you at anything in your community, you can see these creations. No matter how big or small it is, many of them were created from someone's mind. One way or another, they have an impact in how we live our lives.


The second H has to deal with the heart. While the head is good for thinking various ideas, the heart is key in making them real. If one does not have the heart, how can things get done? The heart is the spark plug that keeps the engine going. It also creates the drive, passion, and unbinding spirit that helps one succeed. If you have the heart, you have the power to do anything you want to.


The third H lies in the ability to have a sense of humor. There is no rule that says "in order to be a success, you have to be serious all the time." A little humor goes a long way. It lightens the mood and creates a postive energy that is less dense and less tense. I love having a little humor on the side because it makes me feel happy. I don't know about all of you readers, but a world without humor is a world I don't want to live in.


The fourth H in this success map is heavy hitting. What in the world does that mean? In my opinion, it means that whatever one does in life has to create an impact for another. This can be similar to paying it forward. Whether it is one person, or a thousand people, your words, thoughts, and actions have to make a difference. Inspiration is a powerful thing and many people can be inspired through the actions of one.


The fifth and final H involves being a hero. After making an impact in one's life, you can allow them to take steps in becoming a hero in their own right. Again, this is where inspiration is key. In certain ways, this can be seen as a "call to action" for anyone to follow. When we have heroes in our world, we have inspired and empowered people that are willing and ready to make a difference. It can be a beautiful thing Happy People!!

There you have it!! The Five H's - Head, Heart, Humor, Heavy-Hitting, and Hero. Each one of these components are great. But if you have all five of them, you will have one powerful force in your hands. It doesn't matter what you do in life, one can benefit and go far by having these five H's in their lives.

When done correctly, one can also create a sixth H in this equation. And that is "HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOO!!" The sound people will make when you have displayed the power of the Five H's!!

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention!!


Jesse I-I-I

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