Saturday, May 15, 2010

Off to the Market

Greetings Happy People,

Last weekend, I attended the District 33 Toastmasters Spring Conference in Modesto, California. Like many District Conferences in the past, this one was awesome!! I heard some outrageous Tall Tales and amazing International Speeches. I also listened to some great presentations about finding that next speech to write. I also had a chance to take part in some karaoke singing. One can say that the events at this conference were worth the 8 hour drive. Yes I did say 8 hours (from Las Vegas to Modesto).

That Saturday afternoon, a business meeting took place. Two important things happened at that meeting: The Las Vegas Toastmasters Community added a brand new Division AND new District 33 Officers were elected. When it came to electing District Officers, the following positions were elected – The Top 3 (District Governor, Lt. Governor of Education & Training, and Lt. Governor of Marketing) AND the Division Governors. When the overall elections were finished, I was elected the District 33 Lt. Governor of Marketing for the 2010-2011 Toastmaster year.

What is a Lt. Governor of Marketing (or LGM)? This is the third highest ranking position in District 33 Toastmasters - behind District Governor of Lt. Governor of Education and Training (or LGET). The LGM is responsible for helping create new clubs in the District. Additionally, the LGM also assists rebuilding clubs by providing numerous ways in helping a Toastmaster club grow – via Club Coaching, Membership Building efforts, and Open houses.

The LGM also works with the District Governor and the LGET to set and achieve goals that will make us DISTINGUISHED on ALL levels. We also support Clubs, Areas, and Divisions by ensuring top-notch quality that promotes growth within the whole District. It does not matter where or who you are, growth is very important!! Without growth, how can we better ourselves?

Now that I am elected to this position, what am I doing to prepare for July 1st – the start of my term?

Somewhere in my mind, I keep hearing the following math equation:


What does that mean? As long as you have the intention set, you can use any means to get to your goals. There is no one-track thinking when it comes to reaching a goal. Instead, whatever means that can be used WILL be used!! That simple equation helped me have a VERY successful year as a Division Governor.

Being a sports minded person, I am focusing on building a strong offense and stronger defense. In creating both offense and defense, certain plays have to be drawn out on both sides of the ball. All of these simple razzle-dazzle plays can be placed in a “playbook.”

Establishing the plays will also lead to something that I plan to do for the 2010-2011 Toastmaster year. There is something that also helped me with the leadership roles I held in the past that I will do for the upcoming year. Would you like to know what it is? Really….would you like to know what it is? Well, the one thing I plan to do for the 2010-2011 Toastmaster year as the LGM is………


That’s right!! I plan to enjoy myself for the upcoming year!! When you are in that positive frame of mind, nothing can stop you!! It is a good feeling that will transcend into any action one can do!! It boggles me that some people are not able to see this concept. Always being too serious about anything they do – including breathing. It’s not rocket science happy people!! When one person gets into that frame of mind, lots of good action can come from it!! All you got to do is think positive, feel good, and work that magic!!

I am looking forward to an awesome Toastmaster year!! I am looking forward to working with the Happy People of District 33!! I am ALSO looking forward to see this District grow on ALL levels. If things go the way they are, it will be one heck of a year coming up!! And you can take that to the bank!! :o)

That is all I have for you today!! Take care and thank you for your time and attention!!


Jesse I-I-I

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