Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Ol' Man

Greetings Happy People,

Two years ago, I was coming in from lunch. I get an announcement from one of my co-workers to call my mother at the hospital. She also said to have my co-worker drive me over there. Somehow I knew that this was not going to be good. When we got to the hospital, my mother told me that my dad suffered a massive heart attack and he is fighting for his life in ICU. When I went into the room, I saw him hooked up to lots of tubes and breathing apparatus. When I left that room, knowing that I could lose my dad at any moment. There was not a dry eye at that place.

A few days later, I was driving from one of my sister’s house when I was injured in a pretty bad car accident. I had a few dizzy spells and some injury to parts of the vertebrae. A couple days after that, I was able to walk over to the hospital to see my dad – not in best fashion myself. Knowing that he suffered a massive heart attack, I tried to pretend that I was walking fine. I went into the ICU, talked to him a bit, and let the room. Upon leaving the room, my dad asked what the heck was wrong with me. Did I lose a fight or something? It was at that point, I knew he was going to be alright.

When I was born thirty-four years ago (on October 29th), my dad came from an assignment in the US Navy to see the birth of yours truly. Everybody thought I was going to be born a girl. WHOOPS!! I guess that did not happen :o)

When I was a kid, I remember having those nice talks with the ol’ man. That still goes on to this day. Whatever the topic was, we discussed it. Between him and my mother, he was more the reasonable, level-headed person to talk to. When we were living up in Seattle, I remember going to my first NBA (Supersonics) and MLB (Mariners) game. I also remember playing at a nearby park. Whenever we travel or move across country, I would be in the seat behind him navigating as best as I can. There was also a moment where he saved me from a pitbull attack. He stood in the line of attack and took the bite from the dog. I also remember going to UNLV football games with him. There were many great memories I had with him.

Today, he still remains a voice of reasoning. Throughout the dysfunctional things that can happen, he still stays a strong figure to my family. I still talk to him about different things that are mostly sports related. Even though the effects from diabetes are taking a toll on his body, he still remains a tough man. He knows that when it comes to this disease, he is going to fight it and still come out on top.

I am very grateful to have a man like him in my life. I can honestly say if there are any people that made a real impact in my life. He will be one of those people up on the top of my list – along with my grandmother (his mom). He will always be known to me as “the ol’ man” and I will never forget that when I become an older man myself.

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.


Jesse I-I-I

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