Friday, October 22, 2010

Bonded Words

Greetings Happy People,

My heart is filled with joy tonight.

I got off the phone with Dana and admit that I still have a good thing going.

We have been together now for two and a half years and we are still in an amazing relationship. How amazing? Before we got together, we made a promise together. To this day, that promise still remains in tact. What is it? Well, that is between her and me. All I can tell you is that these words are bonded and neither of us have any intentions of breaking it.

There is nothing like keeping a word to someone. Many people can promise one thing or another, but to actually stick with it shows faithfulness, integrity, and pure devotion. Keeping a word involves more than just saying it, it also involves doing it as well.

I have been pretty good at keeping words with people in my circle. In all honesty, I would give myself eight out of ten times where I am able to bond my words. Why not 10 out of 10? First and foremost, I am still a human being. There are those promises I would back out of due some pretty good reasons. For example, if it cause harm or some type of emergency happens or I completely forgot about it. I don’t feel good about backing out of a bonded word, but in those times, there are exceptions.

If someone were to ask me for a certain favor, I would look at it before I leap. If it has a good intention, a solid substance, or something that I am able to do, I will be by that person’s side. Good examples of this come from the fellow Toastmasters I have mentored. Whether it is in a leadership role, or helping someone with their speech, I would be more than happy to stick by the person. From this, I gain not only credibility, but also some pretty good friends too. The benefits of a bonded word can go very far.

It is great to keep a promise with someone. The only thing that is better is keeping a promise to you. If you are able to keep a word to yourself and follow through with it, you will become better for it. There have been many times where I kept promises to myself and stuck with it. They always make me feel good because I know that I have not cheated myself out of something. If I ever break a word to myself, that can only cause me pain and disappointment because I am the only one hurting myself. And if could not keep a promise to myself, how good would I be for another person?

When it comes to making promises, you have the ability to determine the words you are willing to keep. If you are unable to keep your word with someone or something, make sure you have a good reason behind it. If you are able to make a promise, make sure you stick with it the best way you can. You will become stronger for it. Just stick with it and you will go further than you think.

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.


Jesse I-I-I

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