Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why Do People Leave Toastmasters?

Greetings Happy People,

A couple weeks ago, I did a mini poll on why people leave Toastmasters. The challenge is that they had to answer in three words or less. Thanks to my Facebook friends and the people from Linkedin, I got plenty of the following interesting answers:

Busy work schedule

Don't feel needed

Lack of commitment

Power Hungry District-Club officers 

Time and priorities

Bored to tears!

Bad Club Environment

Know it alls

Lack of brevity

High resource commitment

Priorities, focus, value

Rules overrule performance

Need more hand-holding

They get tired

Other priorities

Recession, laid off

Met goals, changed

Club too rigid

Objectives were met

Not mentored properly

No dedicated support

Lonesome time budget

Not taken seriously

Joining: wrong choice

Disgraceful District Politics

Not enough time

Lack of connection

Cheesy, Boring, Lacking

Exciting job promotion

Expanded life opportunities

Too much work

Veni, vidi, vici

No longer matters

No friends here

Forgot to laugh

Growing feels weird

Lack of Payback

Too early

Unaligned expectations

Not for them

Unjustified Dues increase

Because it's time

No growth support

Poor club climate

Protocol, processes, unfollowed

Minimizes importance


Controlling President

No quick results

Son got cancer

Work, Family, Time

They are afraid

Wow!! These are a lot of 3-word answers!!

As you can see, there are many reasons why people leave Toastmasters. There are responses that go beyond one’s control while others can be improved upon.

If you are a Toastmaster, please take a look at these reasons again. They might give you an edge on how to make your clubs, areas, divisions, and districts a little better. Taking on these challenges is the first step in promoting a place where everyone can learn, share, and grow in a decent environment.

Are there any more reasons why people leave Toastmasters? If there are, I am sure that we can all get together and find ways to overcome them and promote an organization where everyone can foster self confidence and personal growth.

After all, this is a place where leaders are made.

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.


Jesse I-I-I

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