Greetings Happy People,
No matter what leadership role you take on, there is always that one person that is willing to test your patience.
This person will go to different levels and find different ways to get under your skin.
Whether the methods are by email, social network, phone call, or face to face, this person will not stop until you lose it.
Sadly, there are people like that in Toastmasters.
What is the best way to deal with these people?
One thing NOT to do is literally fight back. If you try to get down to their level, they will not only win, but you will lose.
You will lose your cool. You will lose your credibility. You will lose your freedom. You even might lose your leadership role AND your membership in Toastmasters.
Fighting fire with fire not only creates a bigger fire, it also creates greater damage. The next time someone gets under your skin, remember to tell yourself that it is not worth getting into this person's unnecessary battle and drama. It is not worth losing what you have over someone's foolishness.
Remember that when you take on a leadership role in this organization, you are under a microscope. The higher the leadership role, the finer the microscope gets. People are watching your moves, your words, and your situations. One slip up and it can come back to haunt you. Remember that you are not only serving the community in you area, division, or district, you are also a representative of Toastmasters International.
It pays to keep your cool and remain professional. If there are people that want to test your mettle by being a jerk, all I got to say is just let it go. You do not even have to move one finger because karma exists and will get that person in return.
Once you are able to use your head and let some things go, you will look good by becoming the better person that will always come out on top.
That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.
Jesse Oakley I-I-I
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