Saturday, June 11, 2011

Business Card Message

Greetings Happy People,

As I take out my wallet, I am pulling out something very important from there.

What is it?

Is it my ATM card? No.

Is it a reward values card for my supermarket? Not really.

Is it my driver's license? Nope. Have not been pulled over (knock on wood).

It is a simple business card.

On the front, it is for a local hotel and casino. However, the real message is on the back.

This message is based on a personal development seminar I went to a couple years ago - hosted by Carol Reynolds. It is called the VISION Seminar ( Compared to the PSI Seminar I went to, all I can say is that VISION is for the heart as PSI is for the mind.

On the top of this card, I wrote a very important message from Carol. It said POSITIVE THOUGHTS + FEELING GOOD = CREATE FUTURE.

At first, I did not understand the process of this, but after writing and living some of my goals, I can understand.

A combination of positive thoughts and good feelings can create a future one can imagine. Some people may think this is bull. But I can tell you that I am living this message and it is paying off for me BIG TIME!! I am attracting things in my life that I want and more!!

At the bottom of the card, I wrote down seven goals I wanted to accomplished. A couple of them were done (writing my own book and blogging). A few more are on the way (District Governor, Dana Oakley, professional speaking). Others goals may look like a long shot, but who knows (own a Lotus Elise and ?????????).

As I look at this card, I am amazed with what I am able to accomplish for the past 2 years. Who knows what can happen in the next couple of the years?

As I placed this business card back in my wallet, I am reminded what I am capable of doing. I would not be surprised if I not only complete all of the mentioned goals in 5 years, but also achieve more goals and visions on the side!! Anything is possible Happy People!!

Do you have your own business card you look at? Does it have the goals you hope, wish, and desire for? Are you constantly thinking positively about them? Are you feeling good about them? If so, then you are going to live your dreams in no time!!
All you have to do is write the goals you want, dream big, think big, and do big.

As soon as you know, you will be attracting the things YOU want in YOUR life!! If it works for me, it will work for you. Just give it a try!!

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.


Jesse I-I-I

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