Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Positive Words Go a Long Way!!

Greetings Happy People,

Yesterday, I received some interesting quotes from a group of people that shall remain nameless. These quotes say the that I need to be more assertive, I need to be more proactive in what I do, and I need to be a stronger, more willing leader.

Interesting. Very interesting. Believe it or not, these words continue to get worse. Questioning my work ethic, my reliability, the way I communicate with people, and being a "team player." The most interesting part is that I expected these quotes from this group of people. All I can do is shake my head and sigh.

Now, the following words I have for you are actual quotes from different group of people. Please feel free to take a look at them and see if you can tell if there is a difference.

“Jesse is positive, outgoing and supportive of both the goals of the organization and the individuals with in the organization.
He is a team player an proactive.”

“I dare you to find someone with a better attitude than Jesse. Spend just a few minutes with him and you will realize how contagious his positive outlook is. Jesse can and will do everything including motivating everyone around him.”

“Jesse is extremely dependable and reliable. He is one of those people who is extremely busy, which means if you want it done, give it to him. He does what he says he is going to do and more. Jesse has a great personality and loves people.”

“Jesse's work in the professional organization Toastmasters International, has touched the minds and hearts of thousands abroad. He has inspired so many to reach their goals and then go on to motivate others to do as well. He has done a fantastic job as a senior officer in District 33. I am blessed to have him as a friend and he has been a motivation to me as well. He is enthusiatic, very professional, has strong work ethics and would be an asset to any organization. I am very proud to know him.”

“Jesse is an invaluable asset at bringing expertise to a challenging situation. Hie positive attitude and clever approach to the current situation are attributes that are very difficult to reproduce. He comes with hard work, unceasing determination, and a "can-do" attitude that bouys the entire team.”

“Jesse is someone who you can always rely on to come through with whatever task or advice you ask of him. He's diplomatic and handles issues to the best of his ability. If he doesn't know the answer to something, he will find it out through his innumerable resources. Jesse is truly a "happy" person, and brings good will wherever he travels.”

"Jesse Oakley is one of the most influential, positive human beings I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Jesse's work ethic is intoxicating and he strives to be the best at everything he does. I highly recommend Jesse to anyone who wants to be the best, because second place does not ever occur with Jesse.”

WOW!! These are some amazing quotes from a different group of people!!

It is interesting how one group has a certain perspective of me while another has a totally different view. The question is which words I choose to believe. If I choose to believe the words from the people that have issues with me, I would not get to far in what I do. I would not only be unhappy with them, I would also be unhappy with myself. Why? Because I would believe that I am not worth anything.

On the other hand, if I were to choose the more positive words from the different group of people. I would be better off because these people obviously see some good things in myself. These words boost my self-esteem and allow me to be more successful in whatever I do. These words also show appreciation, gratitude, and belief in myself.

I don't know about you Happy People, but I choose to believe the words from the latter group. Why? Because anytime I look at that man in the mirror, I see someone that can do whatever he can do. Anytime I look at that man in the mirror, I see an amazing person. Anytime I look at that man in the mirror, I see a winner!!

Do you have different quotes coming from two different groups of people? One group that says mostly negative while the other group is more positive? Do you have questions in which one to believe? To find the answer, all you got to do is determine which words you choose to believe. Only you can make that decision for yourself.

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.


Jesse I-I-I

1 comment:

PurplePenguinlady said...

This is excellent, honey. And yes, you are a very AMAZING man. I love you very much and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together.

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