Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Give As You Receive

Greetings Happy People,

There are two people. The first person is good. The other person is the complete opposite.

The first person is an all-around good guy. He is nice to people. He helps people that are in trouble. Most of the time, he carries a good smile on his face that is accompanied with a great attitude. This person is also fun loving, caring, and a great guy to be around. He acts, thinks, and feels like a winner.

The other person is not too good. He is mean to people. He kicks people when they are down. Most of the time, he carries a nasty scowl on his face that is accompanied with a sour attitude. This person is also fun draining, careless, and a person that no one wants to be around. He acts, thinks, and feels like…

Looking at these two people, which one would likely get the most help when he needs it? If you said the first person, you are right.

The good person gets the most help because he is the one that not only brings the positive spirit to people, but also receives it in return. The more good he does, the more good comes back to him. He manages to find a way in asking a hand by touching hearts.

As for the other person, he might get some assistance, but the people that help him out may not be in the greatest of moods. The more bad he does, the more bad comes back to him. He manages to find a way to distances himself by being completely nasty.

When it comes to attitudes, it matters. It makes a difference how one treats people. When these two people pass away, it is likely that more people will attend the funeral of the good person because he touched many lives. As for the bad person, he probably won’t get as many people.

Call it whatever you want, but somehow this works in life. If you are good to people, you will get that same good in return. If you are nice to people, you will get that niceness in return. If you do the complete opposite, you will get the complete opposite. It is not rocket science Happy People, it’s just how it works.

When people wake up in the morning, they have the choice in how they can act towards their world. Will one choose the positive or the negative? The decision is up to them. I just hope the choice made is the former instead of the latter. It is a much better attitude to give and receive.

That is all I have for now. Take care and thank you for your time and attention.


Jesse I-I-I

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